Bible Miracles: The Big Bang

The scientific community was once divided between supporters of two different theories, the Big Bang and the Steady State theory. Georges Lemaitre first noted in 1927 that an expanding universe could be traced back in time to a single originating point and thus laid down the initial foundation for this theory.
Genesis 1:1: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
This theory is now proved and tested thru many observations and pieces of evidence, and now science knows that there was a beginning and the creation of the universe is supported by all the observable data astronomy has produced so far.
A Time Magazine article said,
Most cosmologists, scientists who study the structure and evolution of the universe, agree that the biblical account of creation, in imagining an initial void, may be uncannily close to the truth.
Big Bang Mentioned In Quran
The Creation Of Universe By Big Bang. Surah Anbiya verse 30
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A Synthesis of Religions. O Mankind I am presenting you the case of God,, يا أيّها الجنس البشري؛أنا أقدم لكم "قضية الله, ¡Oh humanidad! Les estoy presentando el caso de Dios, O люди, я представляю вам дело Божие, ای بشر من سخنان خدا را به تو عرضه می کنم., Ey insanlık, ben sana Tanrı'nın davasını sunuyorum, 哦人类,我向你展示上帝的情形, اے بنی نوع انسان میں آپ کے سامنے خدا کا مقدمہ رکھتا ہوں
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