Bible Topics QuizTheLastDialogueBIBLE TOPICS QUIZTest Your Knowledge Of The Biblical Topics With These QuizzesBible Topics Online Quiz for Kids and Adults#1. What was Cain’s punishment for the murder of Abel? He was banned from the Garden of Eden. He was banned from the Garden of Eden. He was put to death He was put to death He was banished to the Land of Canaan. He was banished to the Land of Canaan. He was banned from his occupation and made a restless wanderer on the earth. He was banned from his occupation and made a restless wanderer on the earth. Work Harder#2. Which of these men denied knowing Jesus three times before the cock crowed? Matthew Matthew Paul Paul Peter Peter John the Baptist John the Baptist Work Harder#3. Who was Abraham’s firstborn son? Moab Moab Isaac Isaac Ishmael Ishmael Abimelech Abimelech Work HarderFinishResultsWell Done. You Are Roaring Like A LionKeep Working. Slow & Steady Wins The RaceSTART NEW