Islamic schools and branches: Kharijites (Khawarij).
After that they were initially divided into five major branches: Sufris, Azariqa, Najdat, Adjarites and Ibadis. Out of all these only Ibadis are the surviving group all rest are extinct now. While Ibadi Muslims maintain most of the beliefs of the original Kharijites, they have rejected the more aggressive methods. Ibadis strongly object of being called Kharijites although they recognize that their movement has its roots back to Kharijities uprising. They are living mostly in Oman and makeup majority almost 70% of Oman’s population.
There are almost 2.72 million Ibadis worldwide and only 250,000 live outside Oman. Ibadis recognize Abu Bakr and Umar as rightly guided Caliphs and only approve the first half of both Usman and Ali’s caliphate as rightly guided. The Ibadis are the more moderate groups that oppose Ali and actually wanted to return Islam to its form prior to the conflicts Ali faced from Aisha and Mauwiya.