Quantum entanglement and teleportation: Can we teleport humans.

Quantum Entanglement & Spooky Action at a Distance
Seventh is quantum entanglement and teleportation by which particles may be entangled or connected even if they are separated by the expanse of the universe. Imagine that you and a friend had two coins with a magical connection. If one showed up heads, the other would always be tails. You each take your coins at different places and then flip them at the same time. If yours comes up heads, then at the exact same moment you know your friend’s coin has just come up tails. Entangled particles work like those coins. In the lab physicist have already entangled pairs of photons then send the pairs to a lab in a different city now the latest by Chinese scientists at a distance of 1200Km. When they measured something about the photon in their lab, the other one was affected immediately.

Chinese Scientists Successful Teleportation
Applying quantum entanglement scientists have been able to teleport particles. In July 2017 Researchers in China have teleported a photon from the ground to a satellite orbiting more than 500 kilometers above. Whether in future we would be able to teleport heavier stuff e.g human beings is at the moment far from achievement. A single human being contains a huge amount of particles and that means an immense amount of data would need to be transferred for human teleportation. There are more particles in the human body than there are stars in this universe.
Human Teleportation
But in theory, it could be possible and for this, we need four chambers. Two chambers with particles entangled with each other and the 3rd one as a scanner at the place of departure and the 4th one at the place of arrival. In the scanner, we enter and it scans all our body particles get all information of quantum state than compare that with the particle chamber at the place of departure and make a list of all particles.

Will come soon!
Will come soon!
Will come soon!
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Written by : TheLastDialogue
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