Quran Surah: How Many Verses? QuizTheLastDialogueHOW MANY VERSES? QUIZTest Your Knowledge Of The Quran Surah & Verses With These QuizzesHow Many Verses In A Surah Online Quiz for Kids and Adults#1. How many verses are there in this Surah? 112 112 133 133 110 110 176 176 Work Harder#2. How many verses are there in this Surah? 132 132 123 123 211 211 111 111 Work Harder#3. Which Surah of Quran has 75 Verses? At-Tawbah At-Tawbah Hud Hud Al-Anfal Al-Anfal Yunus Yunus Work HarderFinishResultsWell Done. You Are Roaring Like A LionKeep Working. Slow & Steady Wins The RaceSTART NEW