Book of Amos Summary
Amos Outline: God judges His people severely than other nations..
Book of Amos Synopsis: Statistics And Summary of Main Topics.
Book of Amos Chapter by Chapter Summary.

God’s Unavoidable Punishment. God will judge God’s people more severely than the other nations. Social Justice, true religion and social justice must go hand in hand.
God, Amos, Jeroboam II, Uzziah and people of Isreal.
2:4: This is what the LORD says: ‘For three sins of Judah, even for four, I will not turn back [my wrath]. Because they have rejected the law of the LORD and have not kept his decrees, because they have been led astray by false gods, the gods their ancestors followed.
3:7: Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.
9:14: I will bring back my exiled people Israel; they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit.
The book of Amos was written during the era of divided kingdoms of Israel but in an age which is much prosperous than the previous times especially the Northern kingdom of Isreal with ruler Jeroboam II reached at such a level of growth and prosperity as was not seen after David and Solomon. Amos called by the Lord to prophesy to the northern kingdom of Israel during Jeroboam’s rule. In contrast to the prophet Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel who were high officials and priests, Amos was only an ordinary shepherd. He saw a vision where God was roaring like a Lion from Mount Zion in His Temple saying that He would test the people and would scatter Isreal across the world but then will restore them. Amos warned Israel that the material prosperity which they are enjoying does not necessarily mean that God is well-pleased with them. His message was not popular and his enemies tried to shut him up but he remained faithful to shepherd the people of Israel. The book can be divided into three sections, chapter 1-2 messages to other nations. The message for every nation starts with these words “For the three sins of (city/country/ nation), even for four, I will not turn back my wrath.” The 2nd section chapter 3-6 are three sermons of judgment. The third and last section chapter 7-9 is a group of revelations that contain five visions and convey a message of destruction for the nation and then restoration which ends with a glorious promise for the future.
Chapter#1: Judgments on Surrounding Nations. Damascus, Gaza, Tyre, Edom and Ammon will be judged for their crimes
Chapter#2: Judgments on Judah, Israel and Moab
Chapter#3: The Luxurious Palaces of Samaria. The necessity of God’s judgment against Israel. God reveals his confidential matter to the prophet
Chapter#4: “Prepare to Meet thy God.” God’s Discipline And Israel’s Apostasy
Chapter#5: The Day of the Lord. Israel like a fallen virgin. God Rejects Israel’s Worship
Chapter#6: The Assyrian Captivity. Woe To The Complacent. God declares: “I will raise up a nation against you.”
Chapter#7: Three Visions of Destruction (Locusts, Fire, Plumbline)
Chapter#8: The Basket of Summer Fruit Vision. A famine of the word of God threatened.
Chapter#9: Destruction Of Israel and then Future Kingdom Blessing of Restored Israel. David’s booth to be raised up.
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