Book of Habakkuk Summary

By Published On: February 24, 2019Last Updated: May 10, 2021589 words3 min readTags: , ,

Habakkuk Outline: God is a Redeemer. God’s Compassion Even In Anger


Book of Habakkuk Synopsis: Statistics And Summary of Main Topics.

Book of Habakkuk Chapter by Chapter Summary.

In The Name Of God





AUTHOR: Habakkuk


God is a Redeemer: who will bring about the deliverance of his people, while they live in hope and trust in him alone. God’s Compassion Even In Anger.


God, Habakkuk, City and People of Southern Kingdom of Judah, Chaldeans, Babylon.


1:2: How long, Oh Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, ‘Violence!’ but you do not save.

1:5: Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if I told you.

1:12: Oh, Lord are you not from everlasting? My God, My Holy One, we will not die.

2:2-4: Then the Lord replied: Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation waits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and not delay. See, he is puffed up; his desires are not upright- but the righteous will live by his faith.

2:20: But the Lord is in His Holy temple; let all the earth be silent before Him.

3:2: Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds Oh Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.

3:19: The Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go on the heights.


Habakkuk was a prophet to the Southern Kingdom of Judah just before the exile, when their unrepentant sinfulness was at its height, around 625-604 B.C. The book is an interesting dialogue between Habakkuk and the LORD, about the evil he sees around him. Habakkuk laments to God that Judah has turned away from His commandments, and wonders why there is no justice in the land, and no punishment for wickedness. God answers by telling that judgment will come through the Chaldeans, who were destined to overthrow Judah. Habakkuk lament again, because he does not understand why a nation even more wicked than Israel, would be given such a victory. God said to have faith in Him and that Israel will in time be restored unto righteousness and their enemies would be punished, which causes Habakkuk to break into a song of faith and praise.


Chapter#1: The Prophet’s Two Dialogues with God. Habakkuk, complained of the iniquity of the land. The Chaldeans, God’s tool for judgment. Second complain; Habakkuk said that vengeance should be executed by them who are far worse. “Your eyes are pure. Why do you look upon the treacherous”?
Chapter#2: Habakkuk waits for God to answer his question, but not for long. God tells him to write the vision. The vision is for an appointed time. The end time. The Five Woe Oracles. Knowledge of God will fill the earth.
Chapter#3: The Prophet’s Prayer and Praise. God will save his anointed people. The entire chapter is a psalm gives great praise, honor, and glory to God.

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