Book of Psalms Summary
Psalms Outline: Praise, Lament and Wisdom: Songs Of Praise To God
Book of Psalms Synopsis: Statistics And Summary of Main Topics.
Book of Psalms Chapter by Chapter Summary.

AUTHOR: David – 73, Solomon – 2, Sons of Korah -12, Asaph – 12, Heman 1,Ethan 1, Moses 1
Praise, Lament, Thanksgiving and Wisdom: Songs Of Praise To God
Lord and Patriarchs.
19:1: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
22:16-19: Dogs have surrounded me; a band of evil men has encircled me, they have pierced my hands and my feet. I can count all my bones; people stare and gloat over me. They divide my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing.
23:1: The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
29:1-2: Ascribe to the LORD, O mighty ones, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.
51:10: Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
119:1-2: Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD. Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.
The Book of Psalms, the Hebrew name of which is the Book of Praise, is the longest book in the Bible, divided into five sections and is a collection of 150 psalms. Section 1 (Psalms 1-41) Section 2 (Psalms 42-72) Section 3 (Psalms 73-89) Section 4 (Psalms 90-106) Section 5 (Psalms 107-150). Psalms is called the Hymnbook of the Bible, which places singing and honesty of God’s people at the very center of the faith. A book of worship, praise, and prayer. The Psalms refer to God not only as the gravitational center of history and creation, but also of human life and emotion. There are 7 psalm styles- hymns, laments, thanksgiving psalms, psalms of confidence, psalms of remembrance, wisdom psalms, and kingship psalms. David is named as the author of almost half of the Psalms. Other Psalms ascribed to Moses, Solomon, Asaph, the sons of Korah, etc. The book deals with subjects such as God and His creation, sin, evil, justice, judgment, wisdom, war, worship and the coming of the Messiah. Prophetic pictures of the Messiah are seen in numerous psalms. The book of Psalms reminds God’s people of the central importance of worshipping God and recalling his goodness, love, and wondrous deeds on their behalf.
1Chapter: The Blessed Man. Contrast between the righteous and the wicked
2Chapter: The King Rejected but Coming to Reign. Sovereignty of the Son of God
3Chapter: A Psalm in Distress. Deliverance from enemies
4Chapter: Trust in the Lord. Prayer in Trouble
5Chapter: Sharing God’s Attitude Toward Sin. Refuge in the Lord
6Chapter: Praying in Deepest Distress. Grief in time of distress
7Chapter: The Slandered Saint Psalm. Salvation for the righteous, not for the disobedient
8Chapter: The Son of Man Reigning. The crowning of man
9Chapter: Praise for Righteous Judgment. Judgment from the Lord
10Chapter: A Psalm Concerning the Wicked. The false security of the wicked
11Chapter: The Psalm of the Steadfast. The reign of God
12Chapter: Liars Against the Truth. The preservation of the faithful
13Chapter: The “How Long” Psalm. Trust in the Lord’s loveng kindness
14Chapter: The Psalm of the Fool. The corruptness of the atheist fool
15Chapter: The Regenerate Described. Requirements of living in the Lord’s tent
16Chapter: Death and Resurrection. The beautiful heritage of the saints
17Chapter: A Prayer of David Against the Wicked. Judgment in favor of the righteous and against the violent
18Chapter: David’s Psalm of Deliverance. Protection for the one who keeps the Lord’s ways
19Chapter: The Witness of Creation and Revelation. The testimony of the heavens concerning God’s glory
20Chapter: A Psalm for a Day of Trouble. The Lord’s answers in the day of trouble
21Chapter: Victorious King Psalm. The king’s gladness about the Lord’s strengeth
22Chapter: The Good Shepherd (Crucified). Man’s weakness versus God’s strength
23Chapter: The Great Shepherd (Risen). The shepherd’s shepherd
24Chapter: The Chief Shepherd (Coming). The supremacy of the King of Glory
25Chapter: Trust in the Midst of Trouble. The Lord’s instruction in His way
26Chapter: How to Avoid Backsliding. Innocence of the writer
27Chapter: One Desire in Time of Trouble. Courage because of the Lord
28Chapter: A Cry for Judgment. Help for one who asks
29Chapter: The Judgment Storm. The power of the Lord’s voice
30Chapter: A Psalm of Dedication. Praise for the Lord’s temporary anger
31Chapter: A Psalm of Trouble and Trust. Trust in the Lord & lack of trust in people
32Chapter: David’s Testimony of Confession. Blessing in the Lord’s forgiveness
33Chapter: Praise for Creation, Providence, Grace. Praise for the Lord’s creating and delivering us
34Chapter: Appreciation for Deliverance. The deliverance of the righteous
35Chapter: A Prayer for Intercessors. Prayer for the Lord to fight on our behalf
36Chapter: Wicked Way and God’s Way Contrasted. The sinfulness of the wicked
37Chapter: “Fret Not” Psalm. Dependence on the Lord
38Chapter: David, Out of Fellowship, In at End. Repentance and confession of sin
39Chapter: Prayer for Wisdom. The brevity of life
40Chapter: The Obedience of Christ, New Song. Proclamation of good news
41Chapter: Prophesied Betrayal by Judas. Healing for a sin-sick soul
42Chapter: “Hope Thou in God” Psalm. Hope for the one in despair
43Chapter: Enemies Bug Me. Vindication by God
44Chapter: Undeserved Suffering. Questioning of God’s discipline
45Chapter: Royal Wedding Psalm. Song of married love
46Chapter: Triumph in the Great Tribulation Period. Confidence in God as refuge
47Chapter: The Lord Reigning. King of all the earth
48Chapter: Jerusalem. The city of God
49Chapter: The Folly of Unbelief. The temporary nature of riches
50Chapter: The Nature of True Worship. Judgment of the godly and the wicked
51Chapter: David’s Sin Acknowledged. Request for forgiveness
52Chapter: “Green Olive Tree” Psalm. Fate of the evildoer
53Chapter: The Psalm of the Fool. The atheist fool
54Chapter: “Mine Helper” Psalm. Repayment of evil by God
55Chapter: Escape From Tribulation. Anguish in time of trouble
56Chapter: A Prayer of the Hunted One. Violence of the wicked
57Chapter: Refuge in Trouble
58Chapter: Imprecatory Psalm
59Chapter: Prayer for Deliverance and Judgment
60Chapter: Through Defeat to Victory
61Chapter: Refuge in the Rock
62Chapter: Confidence in God the Rock
63Chapter: “Most Beautiful” Psalm
64Chapter: Wicked vs the Righteous
65Chapter: Thanksgiving Psalm
66Chapter: Worthy Worship Psalm
67Chapter: Future Kingdom Blessing
68Chapter: Victorious Procession of God
69Chapter: The Sufferings of Christ
70Chapter: Memorial Psalm
71Chapter: Aged Saint Psalm
72Chapter: King and the Kingdom
73Chapter: Envious at the Prosperity of the Wicked
74Chapter: The Enemy in Possession
75Chapter: The Lord’s Cup of Judgment
76Chapter: When God Reigns in Zion
77Chapter: The Troubled Saint
78Chapter: The History of God’s Grace With Israel
79Chapter: A Prayer With Jerusalem in Ruins!
80Chapter: Christ, the Strong Man
81Chapter: God Bares the Heart
82Chapter: God is the Judge
83Chapter: Afflicted to Learn!
84Chapter: “Sons of Grace” Psalm
85Chapter: “Revival Prayer” Psalm
86 Poor and Needy Prayer
87Chapter: A Song of Zion
88Chapter: “Deepest Distress” Psalm
89Chapter: “Davidic Covenant” Psalm
90Chapter: The Psalm of Death (First Adam)
91Chapter: The Psalm of Life (Last Adam)
92Chapter: Sabbath Palm (of rest)
93Chapter: The King and His Throne
94Chapter: A Prayer for Vengeance
95Chapter: A Psalm of Praise and Warning
96Chapter: Praise and Testimony in View of the Second Advent
97Chapter: “The Lord Reigneth” Psalm
98Chapter: A New Song of Victory
99Chapter: Righteous Judgment & Trembling
100Chapter: The Old Hundreth (Thanksgiving)
101Chapter: The King and His Subjects
102Chapter: A Prayer in Humiliation
103Chapter: “Bless the Lord, O My Soul” Psalm
104Chapter: The Praise of His Works
105Chapter: Israel’s History & God’s Mercy
106Chapter: Israel’s Failure & God’s Grace
107Chapter: Thanksgiving for Affliction
108Chapter: Praise for Victory
109Chapter: “Satanic Power” Psalm
110Chapter: Christ as King and Priest
111Chapter: “Reverend is His Name” Psalm
112Chapter: God’s Plan is Greater than the Pressures of Life
113Chapter: From Dunghill to Ruler
114Chapter: When Israel Went Out of Egypt
115Chapter: God Compared With Idols
116Chapter: “Dying Grace” Psalm
117Chapter: The Shortest Psalm (praise)
118Chapter: The Exalted Christ
119Chapter: “The Word of God” Psalm
120Chapter: Prayer Against a Lying Tongue
121Chapter: The Traveler’s Psalm
122Chapter: Jerusalem and Peace
123Chapter: Waiting in Faith
124Chapter: Lord on our Side
125Chapter: Security for the Trusting
126Chapter: A Psalm of Freedom
127Chapter: Safety in the Lord
128Chapter: Earthly Blessings
129Chapter: Comfort in Affliction
130Chapter: Who Shall Stand?
131Chapter: Childlike Trust
132Chapter: Davidic Covenant Psalm
133Chapter: A Psalm of Fellowship
134Chapter: Worship at Night
135Chapter: Priestly Praise Psalm
136Chapter: His Mercy Endureth Forever
137Chapter: Babylon Captivity Weeping
138Chapter: “Magnified Thy Word Above Thy Name” Psalm
139Chapter: Spiritual Life Psalm
140Chapter: Opposition from Evil
141Chapter: “Guard My Speech” Psalm
142Chapter: The Prisoner’s Psalm
143Chapter: A Prayer for Mercy in Persecution
144Chapter: Military Strength Psalm
145Chapter: Pure Praise Psalm
146Chapter: Praise and Trust
147Chapter: Praise for God’s Grace to Israel
148Chapter: Praise from all Creation
149Chapter: A New Song of Praise
150Chapter: Praise Ye the Lord
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A Synthesis of Religions. O Mankind I am presenting you the case of God,, يا أيّها الجنس البشري؛أنا أقدم لكم "قضية الله, ¡Oh humanidad! Les estoy presentando el caso de Dios, O люди, я представляю вам дело Божие, ای بشر من سخنان خدا را به تو عرضه می کنم., Ey insanlık, ben sana Tanrı'nın davasını sunuyorum, 哦人类,我向你展示上帝的情形, اے بنی نوع انسان میں آپ کے سامنے خدا کا مقدمہ رکھتا ہوں
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