Gospel of Mark Summary

By Published On: February 24, 2019Last Updated: May 10, 20211046 words5.3 min readTags: , ,

Mark Outline: kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in God


Gospel of Mark Synopsis: Statistics And Summary of Main Topics.

Gospel of Mark Chapter by Chapter Summary.

In The Name Of God







Fulfillment of Promise. Kingdom of God: Good News For Jews and Romans.


God, Joseph, Mary, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Moses, Elijah, People of Israel, John the Baptist, King Herod, Herodias, Salome (King Herod’s stepdaughter), Jesus Disciples, Judah Iscariot, Devil.


1:15: The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.

1:11: And a voice came from heaven: ‘You are My Son, whom I love; with You I am well pleased”
1:17: Come, follow Me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men’

10:14-15: He said to them, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

10:45: For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many

12:33: Love the Lord your God will all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’.

16:6: Don’t be alarmed,’ he said. ‘You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him.

16:15: He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation


The book of Mark begins with the story of John The Baptist saying that I baptize you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Then Jesus baptized by John and began his ministry. Mark most probably written in 50’s AD during times of persecution of Christians by Nero. Rome seems to be the region where Mark wrote his Gospel. Gentiles esp Romans looks like the primary audience of this Gospel as Mark had to explain many times Jewish customs, practices and words. Mark is the shortest of all four Gospels. Author of the book, John Mark was not an apostle but was a disciple of Peter. Mark had a cousin named Barnabas who took him along on missionary journeys with Peter and Paul. This Gospel is also considered as the first to be written. Coming back to the content of the book, soon after Jesus baptized he was tempted by Devil and after this trial and success, he starts his journey and travel across many cities preaching, teaching, destroying and casting out demons, showing miracles and healing the diseased people. News of his miracles spread far far away and more and more people come to see him. Inbetween King Herod killed John the Baptist and presented his head in a tray to the daughter of his wife, Herodias. It also narrated the event of Jesus Transfiguration, his last supper, betrayal of his disciple, his arrest, crucifixion and resurrection. Mark focuses more on the miraculous powers of Jesus than his teachings and parables. It records more than 20 miracles of Jesus. The main focus of almost all of the gospels is the last week of Jesus life thus about one-third of Mark is devoted to that period.


Chapter# 1: Office of John The Baptist. He Begins His Ministry. Baptism of Jesus. The ministry of Jesus begins. Jesus Temptation. Call to disciples. Heals demon-possessed & many sick
Chapter# 2: A Paralytic Healed. Christ followed by multitudes. Plucking Grain On The Sabbath. Calls Matthew. Teaches about fasting. Eats with Publicans and sinners.
Chapter# 3: Jesus t heals the withered hand. And healed many others. Chooses his twelve apostles. Jesus shows who are his brother, sister, and mother.
Chapter# 4: Jesus taught a parable about a sower and many others like growing crop & mustard seed. He also interpreted these parables. Calming Of A Storm by Jesus.
Chapter# 5: Jesus casts demons out of the man into swine. He is entreated by Jairus to go and heal his daughter. Jesus heals woman’s blood flow
Chapter# 6: Christ is condemned of his own people. The apostles are sent and miracles are performed. John the Baptist beheaded; Jesus feeds 5000, walks on water. Many Healed At Gennesaret
Chapter# 7: Human Traditions And God’s Commandments. The Pharisees questioned Jesus about tradition and about the disciples for eating with unwashed hands. Jesus teaches about defilement, heals Canaanite woman’s daughter, heals a deaf & dumb man
Chapter# 8: Jesus feeds the people miraculously, Feeds 4000. Jesus heals the blind man. Peter’s Confession At Caesarea Philippi. Jesus foretells about his death and resurrection
Chapter# 9: The Transfiguration of Jesus. Elijah represents John the Baptist; Jesus heals the demon-possessed boy. Christ predicts his death and resurrection a second time
Chapter# 10: Jesus was questioned about divorce. Teaches divorce marriage, sacrifice, first & last, serving. Jesus tells his disciples of the threat of riches. It is hard for the rich to be saved. A Request By James And John.
Chapter# 11: The Triumphal Entry. Jesus enters Jerusalem. Crowds welcome Jesus to Jerusalem. Teaches forgiveness, answers Pharisees
Chapter# 12: Parable of vineyard workers, paying taxes, marriage in heaven, greatest commandment; widow’s offering
Chapter# 13: Jerusalem’s destruction, Jesus’ coming. Predicted signs of the end age. Persecution Of Disciples Predicted. The Parable Of The Fig Tree
Chapter# 14: The Priests And Scribes Plot To Kill Jesus. Jesus’ Anointing At Bethany. Judas Arranges To Betray Jesus Jesus’ Final Passover With The Disciples. The Lord’s Supper Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial. The Prayer In Gethsemane. The Betrayal And Arrest Of Jesus. Jesus Before The Sanhedrin. Peter Denies Jesus Three Times. A Young Man Flees
Chapter# 15: Mr 15:1-5. Jesus Taken To Pilate. Barabbas released. Jesus Is Mocked and delivered up to be crucified. He is crowned with thorns, spit on, and mocked. Hanged between two thieves. Jesus Dies On The Cross. Buried by Joseph.
Chapter# 16: Jesus’ resurrection; women seek Jesus; Jesus appears, commands disciples, ascends to heaven; disciples preach; miracles follow

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