Miracles, Scientific Facts And Prophecies In Bible
Prophecies and Scientific knowledge in Bible preserved since 3 Millenniums
Air Cycle Mentioned In Bible
Ecclesiastes 1:6 Miracle: Wind goes south, And turns to the north
Bible Confirms Big Bang Theory
Genesis 1:1 Miracle: In the beginning God created heavens & Earth
Bible Messianic Prophecies
Isaiah 53:3 Miracle: He was a man of sorrows acquainted with grief
Bible Miracle Fulfilled Babylon Prophecies
Isaiah 13:19 Miracle: Babylon Will be as when God overthrew Sodom
Bible Miracle Fulfilled Edom Prophecies
Isaiah 34: 5 Miracle: My sword…… it descends in judgment on Edom
Bible Miracle Fulfilled Nineveh Prophecies
Nahum 1:14 Miracle: Lord has given command concerning you Nineveh
Bible Miracle Fulfilled Tyre Prophecies
Ezekiel 26:3 Miracle: Says the Lord Behold I am against you O Tyre
Bible Miracle: Air Has Weight
Job 28: 25 Miracle: To make the weight for the winds and He weigh
Bible Miracle: Blood Clotting in Infants
Leviticus 12:3 Miracle: on the 8th day..male shall be circumcised
Bible Miracle: Cyrus Cylinder
Ezra 1:1 Miracle: The first year of Cyrus king of Persia, in order
Bible Miracle: David Inscription
1 Kings 12:19 Miracle: So Israel has been rebellion against house
Bible Miracle: Earth on Nothing
Job 26:7 Miracle: He stretches out…and hangs the earth on nothing
Bible Miracle: Everything in Due Measure
Isaiah 40:12 Miracle: Who has measured the waters in the hollow…
Bible Miracle: Exodus Evidence
Exodus Miracle: Since centuries skeptic had their doubts on Exodus
Bible Miracle: Happiness Mind and Body
Proverbs 17:22 Miracle: A merry heart does good like a medicine…
Bible Miracle: Hezekiah’s Tunnel
2 Chronicles 32:30 Miracle: It was Hezekiah who blocked the upper
Bible Miracle: Hygiene And Sanitary
Leviticus 15:13 Miracle: ….and bathe his flesh in running water
Bible Miracle: Life is in the Blood
Leviticus 17:11 Miracle: For the life of the flesh is in the blood
Bible Miracle: Moabite Stone
2 Kings 3:4 Miracle: Now Mesha king of Moab raised sheep, and he
Bible Miracle: Mountains Under The Seas
Jonah 2:3-6 Miracle: …. I descended to the roots of the mountains
Bible Miracle: Number of Stars
Jeremiah 33:22 Miracle: the host of heaven cannot be numbered
Bible Miracle: One Common Ancestor
Genesis 2 Miracle: human beings descended from the same parents..
Bible Miracle: Paths Of The Seas
Psalm 8:8 Miracle: …. whatever passes along the paths of the seas
Bible Miracle: Pilate Inscription
John 18:29 Miracle: So Pilate came out to them and asked, “What
Bible Miracle: Radio Waves
Job 38:35 Miracle: Can you send lightnings, that say ‘Here we are?
Bible Miracle: Springs And Recesses Of The Seas
Job 38:16 Miracle: Have you entered into the springs of the sea..
Bible Miracle: Taylor Prism
2 Chronicles 32 Miracle: Sennacherib king of Assyria invaded Judah
Bible Miracle: Voids In The Universe
Job 26:7 Miracle: He stretches out the north over the void and…
Bible On Atoms & Elementary Particles
Hebrews 11:3 Miracle: what is seen, not made of what was visible
Bible On Dietary Guidelines
Exodus 22:31 Miracle: You are to be my holy people. So do not eat..
Bible On Laws of Quarantine
Leviticus 13:46 Miracle: As long they have disease, must live alone
Bible On Rotation of Earth
Job 38:14 Miracle: It [the Earth] is turned as clay to the seal and
Bible On Shape of Earth
Isaiah 40:22 Miracle: It is he who sits above the circle of the earth
Bible Tells About Many Heavens
Deuteronomy 10:14 Miracle: to God belong heaven & heaven of heavens
Bible Tells The Sun is Revolving
Psalm 19:6 Miracle: It rises at one end and makes its circuit to
Bible Tells The Universe is Expanding
Isaiah 42:5 Miracle: who created the heavens and stretched them out
End Times Prophecies in Bible
Revelation 16 Miracle: Gathered the kings to the place Armageddon
First Law of Thermodynamics In Bible
Genesis 2:1 Miracle: Thus the heavens and the earth were finished
Properties Of Light Mentioned In Bible
Job 38:24 Miracle: By what way is the light parted & distributed
Temple Destruction Prophecies in Bible
Matthew 24: 2 Miracle: Not one stone will be left here upon another
The Bible and Biogenesis
Genesis 1:25 Miracle: And God made all on earth after their kind..
Time, Space, Matter, and Energy Mentioned In Bible
Genesis 1 Miracle: Four terms: Time, Space, Matter, and Energy.
Water Cycle Mentioned In Bible
Ecclesiastes 1:7 Miracle: Place rivers flow, there they flow again
Bible Statistics and Facts
Interesting Facts About Holy Bible regarding Verses, Words, Letters and their usage with Animations and Graphs.