Book of Malachi Summary
Malachi Outline: Prophecies of Gentiles and the coming of Christ
Malachi Outline: Prophecies of Gentiles and the coming of Christ
Zechariah Outline: Rebuilding Temple, Future Restoration & Messiah
Haggai Outline: God of Renewal. Encouragement To Rebuild Jerusalem
Zephaniah Outline: Day of The Lord On Judah and surrounding nations
Habakkuk Outline: God is a Redeemer. God’s Compassion Even In Anger
Nahum Outline: Prediction of the Fall of Assyria and Of Nineveh.
Micah Outline: Salvation, Words of Judgment and Hope for Israel..
Jonah Outline: God’s Grace to People. Salvation Through Repentance
Obadiah Outline: All nations under God’s rule. The Fall Of Edom.
Amos Outline: God judges His people severely than other nations..
Joel Outline: Woes upon Judah. Repent in hope of future restoration
Hosea Outline: Prophecies relating to Christ and the latter days…